platform for Purchase and Payment Transfers

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Today we all know what to do in transferring funds. We use many unnecessary transactions and intermediary institutions or banks to transfer money. According to the fact it means having the means of eliminating intermediaries will benefit everyone to make a transaction. A new blockchain based project will come with this solution. The name of this project DEXA,
What are Dexa Coins?
Dexa Coinis is a revolutionary new business that simplifies sending and receiving money around the world by providing payment transfer procedures that move forward after eliminating various steps in other traditional methods. It makes the whole cash transfer process not only easier but faster. Dexa Coin combines blockchain technology to bring revolution to the world of cash transfers. Companies and bank money transfers, even in this modern world, still use traditional methods which are not only time consuming but also fraught with inconvenience. Because using traditional money transfer methods, customer satisfaction is bad and so is the whole process.
Dexa Coin wants to go further by introducing the "Instant Message Feature". This feature allows users to connect and communicate with each other. Brilliant and unique features are not available with competitors and features that will open doors to opportunities and possibilities. Blockchain technology
The latest advanced technology methods and instant solutions to urgent money problems. Although traditional methods of transporting money still exist and are used by many individuals and businesses, the need for new technology has emerged. Blockchain technology is well equipped to take advantage of this need by providing solutions to the current needs of modern institutions. The use of blockchain technology changes the whole process of moving money for its users. Blockchain technology will make transfer of payments very easy which will ultimately lead to an increase in overall productivity. Furthermore, while traditional methods require handling authorization and payment expenses, blockchain eliminates the intermediary requirements as a whole which is the main reason behind the time-consuming traditional methods. Structure is the main factor that makes the whole process take place at a very high speed and that too, at a low cost. The process of transferring money around the world is safe and fast. Anyone who is familiar with smartphones will be able to benefit from their application. According to Dexa Coin CEO, Adnan Altaf, this application is designed to be easy, user friendly, and safe. CEO, Mr. Altaf, guarantees that the entire process will be transparent without interruption. and safe. CEO, Mr. Altaf, guarantees that the entire process will be transparent without interruption. and safe. CEO, Mr. Altaf, guarantees that the entire process will be transparent without interruption. Structure is the main factor that makes the whole process take place at a very high speed and that too, at a low cost. The process of transferring money around the world is safe and fast. Anyone who is familiar with smartphones will be able to benefit from their application. According to Dexa Coin CEO, Adnan Altaf, this application is designed to be easy, user friendly, and safe. CEO, Mr. Altaf, guarantees that the entire process will be transparent without interruption. and safe. CEO, Mr. Altaf, guarantees that the entire process will be transparent without interruption. and safe. CEO, Mr. Altaf, guarantees that the entire process will be transparent without interruption. Structure is the main factor that makes the whole process take place at a very high speed and that too, at a low cost. The process of transferring money around the world is safe and fast. Anyone who is familiar with smartphones will be able to benefit from their application. According to Dexa Coin CEO, Adnan Altaf, this application is designed to be easy, user friendly, and safe. CEO, Mr. Altaf, guarantees that the entire process will be transparent without interruption. and safe. CEO, Mr. Altaf, guarantees that the entire process will be transparent without interruption. and safe. CEO, Mr. Altaf, guarantees that the entire process will be transparent without interruption. Anyone who is familiar with smartphones will be able to benefit from their application. According to Dexa Coin CEO, Adnan Altaf, this application is designed to be easy, user friendly, and safe. CEO, Mr. Altaf, guarantees that the entire process will be transparent without interruption. and safe. CEO, Mr. Altaf, guarantees that the entire process will be transparent without interruption. and safe. CEO, Mr. Altaf, guarantees that the entire process will be transparent without interruption. Anyone who is familiar with smartphones will be able to benefit from their application. According to Dexa Coin CEO, Adnan Altaf, this application is designed to be easy, user friendly, and safe. CEO, Mr. Altaf, guarantees that the entire process will be transparent without interruption. and safe. CEO, Mr. Altaf, guarantees that the entire process will be transparent without interruption. and safe. CEO, Mr. Altaf, guarantees that the entire process will be transparent without interruption.
Dexa Coin application
The Dexa coin application, with its advanced technology, seamlessly connects the two parties together to make the entire payment transfer experience hassle-free. Dexa Coin APP comes with several features which together make the whole money transfer process easy for its users. Several unique features have been incorporated into the application that provide competitive advantages for the application. Some interesting features of the application are mentioned below:
  • Send and receive money worldwide:
  • International and national money transfers. You can send and receive money without delay or wait whenever or from wherever you want. All you need is a smartphone and an internet connection. That is all. The incorporation of new technology makes the whole process of money transfer.
  • Instant Payment:
  • Dexa Coin is a money transfer platform that can be used for local and global transfers. This can be used anywhere at any time instantly. Planning on going out for dinner? The latest NFC and QR technology allows multiple transactions in various countries simultaneously.
  • Integration with your bank account:
  • The Dexa Coin application allows smooth and fast integration with most bank accounts. This allows users to connect applications to their payment cards. For example: Visa Cards and Master Cards or Money Transfer from applications to their bank accounts and vice versa.
  • Security:
  • The Dexa Coin application ensures the financial security and financial information of its users. This application comes with several features that ensure the security of your money and digital wallet are not interrupted at any transaction level. Unmatched security is one of Dexa Coin's top priorities and the team is fully committed to providing a secure platform for its users. Unlike other money-moving companies, the use of blockchain technology not only makes money transactions easy but also safe.
  • Personal:
  • Apart from all the security features added to the application, it also protects your privacy. The Dexa Coin application ensures complete privacy of its users. The instant messaging feature has 'End to end encryption'. This restricts access to any third party and ensures messages remain between the two related parties. Furthermore, it is equipped with attributes that detect and fight unauthorized access to payment transactions.
  • Instant messaging features:
  • The feature that gives Dexa Coin a competitive advantage and makes it stand out among its competitors is the 'Instant Message Feature'. Instant Messaging is a social feature that allows users to stay in touch with family, friends or anyone they send money to. This in particular helps them get and deliver updates related to money transfers. Although this feature can be used by people for various personal purposes, this feature is very helpful for business users or managers who want to maintain business relations with clients and need to keep in touch with many clients simultaneously regarding various payments. This gives users an unparalleled level of communication that cannot be achieved by other platforms.
Problems with Traditional Methods
Imagine you have to send money from one place to another, say US maybe? If you have to send $ 100 to a friend in the US, how much do you think he will receive? You do not know. It's not easy to guess because of some hidden costs imposed by money sending companies. There are many hidden costs that go along with the reduction because the exchange rate produces the whole amount of money you want to reduce. Even if a Money Transfer Operator (MTO) offers a free rate, the exchange rate is always too diluted which ultimately compensates for the lost commission. Apart from their high commissions, there are other factors that make the whole experience regretful. These factors include technology, organizational structure, rules, regulations, and overall price.
Apart from these elements, this MTO does not offer the level of privacy and security requested by customers because of sensitive financial information and transactions.
Although there are some disadvantages to the traditional money transport method mentioned above, there are a large number of individuals and businesses who still choose the traditional method only to get caught up and wasting valuable time.
Mentioned below are some of the fundamental weaknesses of traditional money transfer methods:
  • More expensive:
  • Traditional money transfer methods are usually more expensive.
  • Wasting time:
  • The traditional way which includes several companies and banks provides very slow services. Traditional methods are time consuming because of the presence of intermediaries in the process. The middleman is the main reason for slowing down the sending and receiving of payments. Not to mention the time wasted when filling out money transfer forms and all procedures to prove one's identity.
  • Limited Accessibility:
  • Companies and bank money transfers offer services for a limited period. Limited number of days and hours. They do not offer 24/7 service. In addition, they are closed on several holidays and all weekends. This means that you most likely will not be able to send or receive money if your money emergency occurs after the official time or on certain holidays.
  • High fraud opportunities:
  • Over the past few years there has been an increase in the number of scams with scammers getting access to control & tracking numbers.
Token Token: DEXA
Type: ERC-20
Total Tokens: 100,000,000,000 DEXA
Soft Cup: 400,000 USD
Hard Cup: 2,600,000 USD
Contract: 0x725440512cb7b78bf56b334e50e31707418231cb
Sales of tokens will be done in three stages,
Adnan Altaf - Chief Executive
Thomas F. Forsch - Chief Legal Counsel
Emanuil Pavlov - Business Development Manager
Perry Whang - Corporate Finance Manager and Asset Manager Token
Jill Foster -
Senior Public Relations and Marketing Manager Stivan Pinto - Operations Manager and Digital Marketing Manager
Yasha Bali: Yasha Bali - Communication Manager
Zeshan Ejaz: Zeshan Ejaz - Senior Graphic User Interface / UX designer
As a result, everyone will see the benefits of this platform for the crypto money market as soon as possible. This will help the market to develop more safely. I think this project will succeed. You can find more detailed information about the project from the link below and find answers to your questions. After your research, you can decide to participate in the project yourself.
General Evaluation
Everyone is always involved in business or sending money to our family and friends. We only rely on operators to send money, but what if operators get away with your money? In addition, we all pay a large fee to make money transfers throughout the world; the range varies depending on the media or channel you are using. Why not start using the DEXACOIN APP to easily transfer money to friends and family or business partners, at a convenient time and place. Fees   for sending or transferring money through  DEXACOINat a minimum, only a few cents. Therefore, this platform will provide services that allow people to make money transfers that are easy and cost-effective, while at the same time allowing people to connect and communicate with each other.

Username  anoliyan 


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