

artificial intelligence is easy and affordable

What is DAIN's deal?
DAIN is the next generation artificial intelligence platform, a geographically distributed decentralized public computing network driven by the integration of the blockchain and artificial intelligence technology to solve and solve problems. This platform uses computational resources efficiently and without intermediaries by other devices located anywhere in the world to solve complex AI problems. DAIN awards hardware owners and maps the artificial intelligence market. This allows companies with similar needs to provide or find joint solutions.

DAIN is not a member of the Easy and Affordable, accessible to all consumers, or small businesses to large companies, a knowledge of big data, reduced time to market in the production model, then obtained information  This platform allows users to lease computational power of idle devices and computers to assist companies in data processing, problem solving, then problem solving using artificial intelligence technology. It also allows companies to develop new business models, new customer relationship models, and new revenue streams, providing a safe environment where they can safely sell, build, sell, and execute infra-knowledge, solus  then implement artificial intelligence. To share. Using the company's DAIN platform by various sizes, it can easily and efficiently train new models with its own data and / or data by external sources provided to DAIN and can model it with third-party data. Change the existing data market. Companies can publish models in the model market and earn money while maintaining ownership, control, then knowledge of the model. Or, instead, it can benefit from its own data, which allows others to train their model or run it with enriched data, all of which maintain data security without sharing it with third parties. he can easily and efficiently train new models with his own data and / or data by external sources provided to DAIN and can model them with third-party data. Change the existing data market. Companies can publish models in the model market and earn money while maintaining ownership, control, then knowledge of the model. Or, instead, it can benefit from its own data, which allows others to train their model or run it with enriched data, all of which maintain data security without sharing it with third parties. he can easily and efficiently train new models with his own data and / or data by external sources provided to DAIN and can model them with third-party data. Change the existing data market. Companies can publish models in the model market and earn money while maintaining ownership, control, and knowledge of the model. Or, instead, it can benefit from its own data, which allows others to train their model or run it with enriched data, all of which maintain data security without sharing it with third parties. Companies can publish models in the model market and earn money while maintaining ownership, control, and knowledge of the model. Or, instead, it can benefit from its own data, which allows others to train their model or run it with enriched data, all of which maintain data security without sharing it with third parties. Companies can publish models in the model market and earn money while maintaining ownership, control, and knowledge of the model. Or, instead, it can benefit from its own data, which allows others to train their model or run it with enriched data, all of which maintain data security without sharing it with third parties.

However, as they say, to offer something you need a source and supply for something new. However, there is also a problem of compilation technology available, then their service costs are estimated to be large. Number of people who have the opportunity to use this service. Naturally, such questions involve many process technologies, for example: cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and so on.
Therefore, to make this more accessible, the specialist team has developed a new decentralization project that is completely different, like no other. The main concept that I now offer you is to be agreed with you.
About then the fat-fatur project
So, the first thing I want to start is the name of the DAIN project. As you can see, this is quite easy and easy to understand. At the same time, at the same time as its simplicity, it reversed a very global idea that successfully implemented its plans for the introduction and popularization of artificial intelligence in society. As you have guessed, it will be very difficult to achieve such success in the traditional relationship system that we have today. Because the increasingly popular blockchain address technology comes for menu items. Scale of functions and actions that allow us to go beyond many aspects of the world of traditional relationships. Uncover unlimited potential for all areas of assistance.
  • However, by the fact Bahah DAIN is based on Blockchain, resolved to penalize and save money by the world such as: Uber, Airbnb, then Netflix. If you win, remember for all their strengths, none of these companies have their own real estate or mobile and neither is the entertainment producer account. At the same time it does not prevent them from providing services that support service providers with them and to get help from this contribution.
The advantage
The DAIN Winners decided to follow the same path. And apparently, to realize this idea, high-quality decentralized applications and capacities of tens of thousands of applications that are not used throughout the world are enough. What this device can be a computer, then a smartphone, then a laptop then a tablet. In addition, users who decide to lease their capacities will be able to believe that DAIN compensation pours out in the form of an internal token system.
  • It is important to note that this type of business can be opened in first class for intelligent use, both for personal and commercial purposes, as well as for many educational institutions. What has been needed for such a long time technology is that large information can be needed in the shortest time possible.
At the same time, DAIN does not approve of its users in every opportunity and level of access, open to all potential DAIN participants.
For me, this idea is just a big plan. After all, this DAIN help, every user will definitely be able to solve all their needs. Member solutions to problems with resources, providing to use devices that are not used. All will find the long awaited opportunity to use AI for their own purposes. For corporate clients, DAIN will reduce the cost of many processes, which previously could reach tens of thousands of dollars.
Naturally, to provide such services qualitatively, it requires a decent level of internal elements with assistance that all transactions within the DAIN framework will be carried out. For this purpose, developers have developed an internal token system based on the Ethereum Protocol with the ERC-20 standard code, which in turn is supported by intelligent contracts.

Nilai Token DAIN

DAIN tokens are directly related to network computational power. To measure network computing power, a reference index is defined: DIPS (DAIN Performance Index Standards). Each service request handled or network can be marked with a DIPS number, which represents the estimated computational power needed to complete it. DAIN Tokens (DAINT) are defined as computational capacities that enable the implementation of 1 DIPS service request, in each active Minimum Resource Cell in the network. 1 DAINT = 1 DIPS x #MRCs To prevent the growth of artificial networks, each MRC requires a DAINT backup to be considered active then allowed to provide services.

While the prices of certain tasks are driven by supply and demand, there is a pricing mechanism that links them to token values, reducing volatility.
Summarizing some of the above I would like to note the DAIN unique approach to the idea, the certa method of its implementation. At the same time, the opportunities at DAIN are countless and to tell you all about them, I won't have a day. Then why should I do it, if for this purpose there is a special documentary technology developed from the project. Where anyone who is interested will be able to find answers to any question.
Ah and maybe this is all, this will gladly read your comments about this project. Then I will also be happy to welcome you as my customer on this channel. Thank you for your attention and see you again.
We just started, but everything has been mapped and planned. Learn about the next steps. 
2018 Q3 
Dain Network conceptualized 
2018 Q4 
Dain Complete technical design 
2019 Q1 
Terms of Use with Universidad Pontificia the Comillas to fund the Dain research project 
2019 Q2 
DainWare funded the 
White Paper published 
Funds collected from 8 angel investors 
Advisor Board 
in 2019 Q3 
Agreement with SecondWindow to provide funding
Our development 
workforce here  2019 Q4 
IEO 1.0 
Token Private Sale 
Telefónica & Eleven Paths LoI comes out by 
2020 Q1
IEO 2.0 with additional exchange for extended coverage 
Article Research Publication of 
PoC Industrial Use Case 
2020 Q2 
2020 Q4 
Demo Concept 
DainServices mixature Demo 
service provider then integrator Go-to-market services

in connection with the DAIN project team, there is a strong core team. the team consists of experienced professionals by all over the world and in the field of startup, great entrepreneurship. The project also utilizes the collaboration of various departments than industry then specialized academics.
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Official resources of the DAIN project:
 WEBSITE:    https://dain.ai
 TELEGRAM:   https://t.me/dainware


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