EQ Token

 EQ Token

the opportunity to quickly raise money in return for equity.

Crowdfunding equity is a procedure in which individuals place resources into the initial period of an unregistered organization or an organization that is not recorded on financial exchange in exchange for participating in the organization. An investor has half-way responsibility for the organization and is profitable if the organization is developing well. The converse is also valid, so if organizations bomb speculators they may lose some, or all, of their efforts.
Previously, wealthy people, financial speculators, and heavenly servants of business, could put resources into new companies. The equity crowdfunding stage has democratized business procedures by opening the door to a larger pool of potential financial specialists called the "crowd".

EQ Tokens   will be a new method of equity crowdfunding that will allow even the smallest investors to get equity in return for their investment. All investment applications on   the EQ Token website   need to offer a portion of their business for a certain amount of money. If successfully funded, a token will be generated for this business. This token will be distributed evenly among investors based on the size of the investment. Holding this token in  your digital  cryptocurrency  will allow us to send you company profits. You will also have the opportunity to sell your tokens at any time on our own token exchange.

The 2 main objectives of   EQ Tokens   are to:

1. Give new companies and existing businesses the opportunity to quickly raise money in return for equity.
2. 3. Provides investors with any measure of ability to become an equity stakeholder in a company. Currently the   blockchain is   seen primarily as a platform for   cryptocurrency  .

EQ Token   plans to use the   Ethereum blockchain   for what is intended:

As a distributed computing platform and a public-based distributed operating system with   blockchain  . This basically means we will use Ethereum as the world's computer. This will be used as an investment platform and as a way of tracking share ownership in certain companies.

Why   Blockchain  ?

So why is raising money using   blockchain   better than the current method?

● Costs

The crowdfunding method currently has quite high costs. This is due to the fact that crowdfunding companies are rarely able to handle financial transactions themselves and often have to pay third parties for these services.
Using   cryptocurrency  , we will be able to easily handle all transactions on our own, continuing financial savings to our customers

● Equity

Most crowdfunding companies cannot offer equity in return for investment because it is too difficult to track precisely who owns what and easily sell shares. By using Ethereum's smart contracts, we can easily divide a portion of 20% in the company into billions of small shares that can be traced back to individual Ethereum wallets to enable the distribution of profits (dividends) or the sale of tokens.

● Ownership

Since the first day of creating a token for a new project, you have 100% ownership of your token. You can send them to whoever you want, exchange them for whatever you want or even store them in an offline location to keep them safe. This type of freedom and ownership only comes with a   blockchain

Of course, this kind of trap can easily be linked to a high entry threshold, and the fact that despite the fact that the investment world is one of the most profitable areas in the world, it is also one of the highest-risk.
However, there are also investment methods that partially reduce barriers to entry, as well as risks associated with investment, and this investment method is called crowdfunding. I think many of you are familiar with this term and understand what it is. But for those who hear about this direction for the first time, I will explain. Crowdfunding is popular or because it can be called collective capital investment for the development of other people or some organizations and companies.
Of course, this type of investment has certain successes, but in a centralized world it still has a number of weaknesses, which the new decentralization project wants to change. What I really want to tell you today.

The advantage
In addition, EQ Tokens open new opportunities not only for investors who can start to take an active part in one of the investment applications offered on the website, but also for the business itself. Which, in turn, by publishing their own offer to investors on the EQ Token website, will be able to quickly collect the amount needed for the development of their project, giving their project shares in return for the token. Which in my opinion is very comfortable and fair.
It is important to note that the founders of the platform and EQ Tokens will overburden any project that wants to enter the list of recommendations for crowdfunding on their website for a small fee of an average of $ 200 to $ 300. For this amount, the founding team intends to carry out checks detailed and evaluating business ideas, and checking them for acceptable levels of risk. As soon as verification is successfully completed, the project will be credited to the platform.
But this is not all. Because in addition to introductory controls, the founder of EQ Tokens will charge a small commission on the amount accumulated by the project for its development. This will also include mandatory ownership of 3% tokens from the project itself and 2% from the Commission on the amount of all available dividends. Of course, this might show someone too much. However, this method will allow you to cut low-quality projects that initially only focus on deceiving their investors. Projects whose concept is based on the tangible benefits of tools created or developed by them can survive even in conditions of cooperation that are so simple with EQ Tokens.

The Future of Crowdfunding

EQ Token   will use   blockchain technology   as a way of crowdfunding equity that is far better and more efficient.
The benefits of using a   blockchain   from an investor's perspective are:
● Small investments can be easily tracked and provided with a proportionate proportion in the company through the use of tokens
● Profit sharing can be distributed evenly and easily to all investors
● Investors can also be given voting rights which can be verified by the number of tokens they have in their online wallet (this feature will come later)
This token can be sold privately to other investors or sold on our own token exchange at any time.

Benefits for company listings on our crowdfunding platform are:

● The company register will pay a small fee (used to validate listings, <$ 350) and the collection / verification of money is carried out by our service.
● They can offer a portion of their company, which we will legally hold. We can then convert this to 100,000,000 tokens to be sold to investors
● Any quarterly / annual profit is then given to us which we can share equally to all token holders
● In the event of a failed crowdfunding project where the goal is not achieved within the permitted time frame, we can return the investment received

About the project and its features
It is important to note that the entire essence of the project is based on its own EQ Token, which will act as the main investment vehicle for the new crowd investment available in the decentralized network. Uncovering unlimited potential for everyone who wants to participate in investments in new startup projects, as well as existing companies.


We will charge a registration fee for each project of $ 200- $ 300. This is to review each project, evaluate the business, and give the project a risk rating.
● We will charge a 4% fee for each fully funded project.
● We will have 3% tokens from each project.
● We will charge a 2% fee for all dividends.
● We will charge 0.25% for each token trade on our website.
The above means that if a project has raised $ 200,000, the business that collects money will receive $ 192,000 and the investor will receive a share of 97,000,000 tokens. This costing method will share the burden, on the more popular crowdfunding sites, the funds received by the business will be under $ 185,000.


My projection for the first 12 months after launch is that we will raise a total of $ 4 million for business, which means that our revenue from this year is $ 160,000.

The benefits of using   blockchain   compared to crowdfunding methods now are: 

● Lower costs
● We are our own payment service
● Control 100% of your equity token
● Equity in return for investments of any size


  • The EQ20 token will be used to raise funds to help start the EQ Token. There will be 70 million tokens sold in total in the initial EQ Token exchange offer at a price of $ 0.05 per token to help raise $ 3.5 million.
  • Token sales will last for 30 days and our minimum target is to sell 35m tokens. If we do not reach our minimum token sales target within the timeframe, all funds will be returned to investors.
  • The 1m EQ20 token will be used for promotional purposes to help increase awareness of the EQ Token and what we plan to achieve (mostly through social media competitions).
  • There will be 4m EQ20 tokens that will be used to reward participants in our prize program. These tokens will be paid 1-2 months after successfully completing IEO.
  • The remaining 25m tokens will be stored by the core development team and can be used to pay for external contractors.


● November 2019

Whitepaper release - Complete

● January 2020

We will begin our advertising campaign through the use of the bounty program in January 2020

● Q2 2020

IEO release to sell 70m EQ20 tokens for $ 0.05 / token to collect the $ 3.5m needed to get EQ Tokens from land with sufficient capital to grow quickly throughout Europe 

● Q3 2020

Started recruiting the core team of EQ Tokens and opening offices in the UK and Europe

● 2021

Aim to open an office in the US and further develop the EQ Token team and business


●    James Borland - Founder

In aerospace engineering. James has experience working in a variety of different engineering backgrounds (Eng Process / Mechanical Engineering / Eng Manufacturing). James has been involved in small-scale investments in the cryptocurrency market   for 3 years.
●    Samantha Borland - Director of Marketing

First Class Bachelor (Hons) in Marketing with experience working in the security industry as well as property development and management
Telegram Group:  http://t.me/eqtokengroup
Channel Telegram:  https://t.me/EQToken
Username  anoliyan 
Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2634000
Ethereum address:0xCBd8dD8b36aca04b59dfD47eC14736bA21E24f04


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