I know that many will agree with me that the modern world is full of resources, tools, technology, and other high-tech elements. Each one brings something useful to our life, or, conversely, takes it from him. This is a very complex and multifaceted issue that haunts many of us. After all, in most cases, we understand that we are just a small part of one big mechanism, a management tool that, unfortunately, is not concentrated in our hands. I know it sounds very confusing, but that's life. Which we have to either put us with or try to change something. In this article, learn how you can take advantage of this unique opportunity with a company on the brink of launching that goes beyond just investing in one specific cryptocurrency. Also,
Seeing the adoption of cryptocurrency which is currently increasing quite significantly, KeyFund which is a multi-services and multi-product from fintech company issued their cryptocurrency called KeyFund Token. Later this token will serve as a payment that will support the operation of the platform.
The operating company KeyFund Platform is a decentralized system involving blockchain and consists of several smart contracts on the perimeter of the blockchain and its own cryptocurrency, And the platform is a system product created by a consortium of the most powerful, competent and experienced logistics companies and organizations around the world. . And also blockchain and smart contracts serve as a way forward to Industrial use, creating economies of scale and potentially accumulating supply. Decentralized manufacturing will make the industry more accessible, secure and economically sound for more Credits Network P2P Platform (KeyFund) is our third product by participants in the live peer-to-peer (P2P) ecosystem. Therefore, The KeyFund wallet will be the centerpiece of every interaction on the KeyFund platform in the ecosystem, and also a secure storage and exchange platform for cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies, enabling users to store, hold, send, and exchange supported cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies. Merchants can freely choose and switch between different blockchain assets for payments. Users can convert from BTC, ETH, BNB, KeyFund and vice versa, take advantage of peer-to-peer transfers and exchanges, and pay for merchant services. Merchants can freely choose and switch between different blockchain assets for payments. Users can convert from BTC, ETH, BNB, KeyFund and vice versa, take advantage of peer-to-peer transfers and exchanges, and pay for merchant services. Merchants can freely choose and switch between different blockchain assets for payments. Users can convert from BTC, ETH, BNB, KeyFund and vice versa, take advantage of peer-to-peer transfers and exchanges, and pay for merchant services.
The mission of KeyFund financial platform is to open the cryptocurrency market to everyone with a variety of exciting products and services. As a trusted company, we encourage blockchain adoption and offer a safe and easy way to take part in the future of financial markets.
What is a Decentralized KeyFund? Decentralized finance, also known as KeyFund, is a fast-growing sector of the cryptocurrency industry. While cryptocurrency coins create a decentralized store of value separate from government-backed fiat currencies, KeyFund creates a decentralized financial instrument separate from traditional centralized institutions.
Most KeyFund platforms take the form of a decentralized deflation mechanism, known as the Autonomous Yield Token. The KeyFund platform uses a series of smart contracts to automate financial transactions, making them faster, more efficient, and often more affordable than their centralized counterparts. Likewise, since dapps are governed by computer code, which is essentially neutral, there is no problem of bias.
What are Deflation tokens? If the total supply of tokens in circulation is continuously reduced to a predetermined amount then the tokens which we call Deflation tokens, on the other hand, inflation adds more of those tokens to the circulating supply. All fiat currency which is government issued currency is inflationary. In the world of cryptocurrencies, deflation is subject to tokens or coins, and their value will fundamentally increase relative to national currencies. In the case of deflationary cryptocurrencies, the constitutional premise is to gradually reduce the number of tokens available by eliminating them from the market in a process commonly called token burning.
Mission & Vision
Its mission is to develop a peer-to-peer pure digital currency and store of value that will be recognized as a cryptocurrency leader in terms of adoption, use and value of the KeyFund project. Create a new digital currency that is in the top 10 cryptocurrencies and is backed by real-world use not only as a store of value but also as a medium of exchange. The KeyFund Project is an open-source Blockchain project built on the Binance Smart Chain, KEYFUND Token is dedicated to connecting talented professionals and members of their target community.
KeyFund Token Features
Hyper- Deflation : Hyper deflationary supply to increase price upward momentum.) The initial burn rate of 1% of the total coin pool of 110,000,000 coins reduces the coin supply, resulting in upward price momentum.
Reward Holders : Controlled burning does not penalize buyers/sellers through taxes and encourages trading and liquidity while still rewarding holders.
Encourage Trading : Drive liquidity by rewarding early adopters and returning a minimum of 50% to the liquidity pool. There are no taxes on trades to encourage liquidity, and coin rewards to holders give you the best of both worlds.
Low Entry Price : Supply of 110,000,000 KeyFun Coins is meant to provide low entry prices and reward holders with unlimited upside potential.
Low transaction fees : The current $1,000,000 KeyFund token transfer fee is $0.02 (at time of writing). In comparison, the cost of doing the same on a Binance smart chain could be 1000x higher, or more, depending on the congestion on the network.
High-speed block generation: In a recent test while distributing KeyFund tokens to our investors, we found that sending a large number of KeyFunds did not take more than 8 seconds to reach buyers.
Again, using the Binance Smart Chain as an example block can take a few minutes or sometimes up to an hour, depending on network congestion.
KeyFund includes a lock feature which means KeyFund tokens will be locked or burned prior to DEX launch. Tapestry resistant keyfund.
KeyFund Token Characteristics: Hyper- Deflation : Hyper-deflationary supply to increase price upside momentum.) An initial burn rate of 1% of the total coin pool of 110,000,000 coins reduces the coin supply, generating price upside momentum. Encourage Trading: Drive liquidity by rewarding early adopters and returning a minimum of 50% to the liquidity pool. There are no taxes on trades to encourage liquidity, and coin rewards to holders give you the best of both worlds. Low Entry Price: Supply of 110,000,000 KeyFund Coins is meant to provide low entry prices and reward holders with unlimited upside potential. Low transaction fees: The current fee for transferring $1,000,000 Key Fund tokens is $0.02 (at time of writing). In comparison, the cost of doing the same on a Binance smart chain could be 1000x higher, or more, depending on the congestion on the network.
ROADMAP (2021 – 2022) Q3 Key Fund Launch (Permanent Liquidity Locked) Q3 Burn Unsold Tokens Q3 Exchange Listing Q3 Smart Contract Audit Q3 Listing on Coin gecko, Coinmarketcap Q3 Key Swap Launch Q3 Aggressive Marketing Q3 Further Ecosystem Development
Conclusion: This will be when most of the registered investors or potential investors who started their business on this forum will do business. I hope Piano-DeFi has what it takes to replace the traditional Piano-DeFi platform with the basic structure to support most of the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) with something better and more informed. That's all I can say in this article. If you need accurate and reliable information, you can visit their official link, which I have provided below:
2 이더 IEO 출시를위한 혁신적인 공간을 만들기 위해 설계된 Ethereum의 새로운 포크 2Ether의 특별한 점은 무엇입니까? 새로운 데이터 분석을 사용하여 최상의 아이디어, 개선 및 스타트 업 제안을 수집합니다. 2Ether 덕분에 IEO를 시작하고 단 2 일 만에 아이디어를위한 자금을 얻을 수 있습니다. 2Ether 팀에는 몇 가지 주요 목표가 있습니다. 독립적 인 CPU / GPU 채굴자를 장려하고 ASIC 하드웨어를 사용하여 채굴 토지 지배로부터 그들을 보호하십시오. Ethereum의 보너스 블록이 3 분의 1로 줄어 들었고 시장 가격이 여전히 낮기 때문에 이것은 매우 중요합니다. 마이닝 이더 리움은 수익성을 멈추고 소규모 광부를 시장 밖으로 밀어냅니다. 우리는 인플레이션이 모든 디지털 통화에 문제가 될 수 있다는 것을 알고 있으므로 시간이 지남에 따라 상금을 줄여야합니다. 그러나 ASIC 농업이 규모의 경제 덕분에 어떤 시장 조건에서도 살아남는 것은 사실이 아니며 GPU 광부가 어려움을 겪고 있습니다. 2 혁신적인 동적 선물 블록 시스템 덕분에이 문제를 해결했습니다. 기본 보상은 시간이 지남에 따라 점차 감소합니다. 동시에 현재 가격에 맞게 동적으로 조정됩니다. 마지막으로 dApp 개발자를위한 저렴한 감사 도구 제공 스마트 계약 감사는 투자자 자금을 보호하는 데 도움이되므로 매우 중요합니다. 불행히도, 블록 체인 보안 회사는 가장 간단한 감사조차도 매우 높은 비용을 청구하며 많은 회사는 양질의 서비스를 제공하지 않습니다. 2Ether에서 프로젝트는 무료 검사 요청을 제출할 수 있습니다. 자동 검사와 수동보고의 조합은 특별 검사 커뮤니티 구성원이 수행합니다. 또한 라인 별 코드 분석 및 여러 보고서가 포함 된 전체 유료 감사가 있습니다. IEO 플랫폼을 분산 형 교환 및 감사 시스템과 통합하십시오. IEO는 매우 인기를 얻고 있으며 아마도 ICO를 대체 할 것입니다. 프...
METAKING is a Game Ecosystem Using Blockchain Technology Metakings launched as a digital war world, the Metakings game project team joined the game community to develop game functions such as game content to link to its name. Metaking brand. With the great trust of the project, Metaking game will be a game with interesting gameplay with a good story to give users the best gaming experience. Metakings is an association-level AI-powered battle world where anyone will earn rewards like tokens and NFTs through competent gameplay and contributions to the system. Players will interact in battle, gather resources, develop their character, and build their own land empire. the sport is power-driven by its official token, the Metakings token ($MTK). In-game characters can even be collected as in-game NFTs and converted into tokens on the NFT market What is the goal of the Metakings Community Alliance? 1. There are more investment options....
INTRODUCTION PolkaParty PROJECT Description In recent years global finance has made remarkable progress. One of the latest and significant advances in the world of technology is Cryptocurrency. Decentralized finance, also known as DeFi, is a rapidly growing sector of the cryptocurrency industry. Defi gives you the opportunity to grow your investments using Defi's complex features like Staking & Farming However, these Decentralized finance operations are complex and require a very efficient brain to understand and perform. Many investors are frustrated in crypto when they can't get the same profit as friends, colleagues, because of your inability to understand all these DeFi requirements. PolkaParty is made for you, as this platform allows users to get access to all DeFi features (swapping, liquidity provisioning, yield farming, NFT, etc) just by joining one party. What is Polka Party? The solution w...
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