Xircus is the ultimate platform for all those who are currently losing a significant percentage of their profits to the third party NFT market.
The non-exchangeable token is considered as one of the top and prominent assets used mostly by artists and art lovers, games and artists virtually. They are always managed in a digital ledger supported by a blockchain technology system making it difficult for hackers to penetrate the NFT ecosystem.
However, the Non fungible token is associated with the highest value and very strong Authentication proof which makes it different and at the same time allows endless duplication to be difficult due to the fact that NFT is on a decentralized protocol rooted in blockchain technology which ensures that every transaction with NFT is recorded properly and hidden from third parties.
Recently, it has been observed that influencers, artists, writers and content creators are not able to monetize their content well and this is because most of the time after content is posted online, they lose ownership rights.
However, to put an end to this happening problem, an elite team has created an ecosystem known to own Xircus and the aim of this ecosystem is to create outstanding and standing solutions to the above problems and at the same time provide power to various artists, content creators and influencers, enabling them to take control of their content and monetize it by creating their own NFT marketplace.
Xircus is the world's first gamified multi-chain DAO and NFT marketplace gateway platform. It has been built and launched to enable influencers, writers, artists and NFT users to create and Maximize their personal NFT marketplace. With just a few procedures, users of the Xircus ecosystem will be able to design, build and also manage their own custom made NFT trading platform without having to pay any fees.
The Xircus platform also has distinctive, reliable, effective, efficient and computerized tools that enable brands, artists, influencers, collectors and content creators to create a tailored and personalized NFT marketplace.
However, to achieve all these features, the platform has integrated decentralized software to serve its service model and also allows easy access of services to platform users. The Xircus platform is the best, fastest, easiest and most efficient way to create a private NFT marketplace for artists, content creators, Brands, collectors and influencers.
The goal of the Xircus platform is to design and develop an ecosystem that will provide users, influencers, brands, content creators and collectors with the opportunity to create their personal NFT marketplace so that they can effectively monetize their content.
1. TIMELY DELIVERY: Users don't need to have good knowledge of how to code, build and deploy their personal NFT marketplace where they can sell their NFT materials. Creating a market on the Xircus platform is a very simple step, all you have to do is follow the procedure
2. GROWING SYSTEM: with the Xircus platform, the consumer market will be able to reach many collectors and buyers world wide. This platform will help users to promote their market in other regions.
3. OWNED ECOSYSTEM: users can create their market ecosystem and welcome buyers and collectors from their community as well as collectors from around the world. Simply put, with the Xircus platform you will be able to welcome any collector and creator to your ecosystem.
4. LOW COST: recently, building a market requires a lot of funds, time, complex smart contracts but with Xircus you don't need to spend a lot of money to create a market. No stress is also required. All you need to make the marketplace available to users on the platform.
5. 3 LAYERS OF BLOCKCHAIN MARKETPLACES: Xircus has integrated three layers of blockchain technology into its ecosystem so that users can easily create their marketplace.
6. PRIVACY Authentication: For better security and easy login access, Xircus has developed its own way of login authentication which will allow users to login anonymously with unique patterns Integrated and stored in Xircus app.
7. FRIENDLY AND DESIGNABLE INTERFACE: marketplace creators will be able to choose the type of user interface they want in their marketplace community.
8. USE OF ANY TOKEN ON THE MARKETPLACE: users can use Ethereum or Binance smart chain network standard tokens on the NFT market. All they have to do is pair the selected token with a stable token from a decentralized exchange.
9. SWIFT OPERATION: Integrated Platform on maximum speed and agility server processing multiple transactions per minute.
10. TECHNOLOGY ROADMAP: Xircus doesn't stop at what it has to offer today. The project is developing mobile, wallet and TV applications. The chat booking feature is also being developed.
EXPLORER : this will be used to find out about the unique marketplace created by the marketplace owner.
DEPLOYER STUDIO : will help users to control and use the Xircus six implementation process in creating their personal marketplace. These steps can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WjCdA4FAJPs&t=3s
TOKEN FACTORY : users will use this to create their tokens for free plus deflation and printing features.
AUCTION AUCTION : this product will allow users to auction their tokens with vesting, referral incentives and total pool configuration.
DEFI STUDIO : this product will enable staking and farming features in user created marketplaces.
Benefits If you join xircus
LIFE A good event ensures meetings and unites people. We can also do this at live digital events. The technical possibilities of xircus ensure a living relationship between the audience and the actors.
INTERACTIVE We focus on people and their exchange with each other, also in the digital world. All participants are also contributors. For example, speakers have the opportunity to bring interested parties from the audience onto the digital stage and speak to them.
INTUITIVE Xircus is intuitive to use and very easy. It works without instructions and without waiting.
RELIABLE PLANNING Every event requires financial and human resource costs. Xircus uses the right tools and formats required for each event and makes the event 100 percent reliable for the organizers.
PERSONAL The bigger the digital event, the more confusing it gets. Xircus provides orientation and, with the help of intelligent matchmaking, leads each participant to the content and people they are interested in.
FREE At xircus, all visitors can move freely through the platform and decide for themselves which content they want to see.
Xircus is the first platform that allows users to design and create NFT marketplaces without having full knowledge of how to develop markets.
Great Technology Roadmap
We also built the Xircus Mobile app and crypto wallet, Xircus TV app, and chat ordering features
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METAKING is a Game Ecosystem Using Blockchain Technology Metakings launched as a digital war world, the Metakings game project team joined the game community to develop game functions such as game content to link to its name. Metaking brand. With the great trust of the project, Metaking game will be a game with interesting gameplay with a good story to give users the best gaming experience. Metakings is an association-level AI-powered battle world where anyone will earn rewards like tokens and NFTs through competent gameplay and contributions to the system. Players will interact in battle, gather resources, develop their character, and build their own land empire. the sport is power-driven by its official token, the Metakings token ($MTK). In-game characters can even be collected as in-game NFTs and converted into tokens on the NFT market What is the goal of the Metakings Community Alliance? 1. There are more investment options....
INTRODUCTION PolkaParty PROJECT Description In recent years global finance has made remarkable progress. One of the latest and significant advances in the world of technology is Cryptocurrency. Decentralized finance, also known as DeFi, is a rapidly growing sector of the cryptocurrency industry. Defi gives you the opportunity to grow your investments using Defi's complex features like Staking & Farming However, these Decentralized finance operations are complex and require a very efficient brain to understand and perform. Many investors are frustrated in crypto when they can't get the same profit as friends, colleagues, because of your inability to understand all these DeFi requirements. PolkaParty is made for you, as this platform allows users to get access to all DeFi features (swapping, liquidity provisioning, yield farming, NFT, etc) just by joining one party. What is Polka Party? The solution w...
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