
STY - Next Generation Crypto Yield DAO Protocol

 Project Review

StormYield is a platform that facilitates the interaction of financial markets and cryptocurrency markets. The platform will allow users to invest capital in digital assets, cryptocurrencies and digital assets. In addition, the platform will allow users to invest in the capital market through the purchase of tokens. StormYield allows you to invest the money you have in a safe, secure and convenient way. The platform will offer a variety of financial products, including exchange-traded funds, futures and options. StormYield is a decentralized financial ecosystem where all participants are incentivized to contribute to the long-term success of the Platform.

The platform is a combination of Storm Token, a data collection and dissemination mechanism, a risk management ecosystem, a decentralized exchange, and a set of developer tools. The core of the StormYield ecosystem, Storm Token is the basic utility and revenue-generating mechanism of the Platform. It is the main method of exchange between participants in the ecosystem.

Short for annual yield rate, APY is a method for estimating how much your money can grow in the long term as you earn in your store. APY is often misunderstood as APR, which is also an estimate of borrowing costs. They both mean completely different things, whatever they are.

What is STY?

STY moves around the Defi world with the one of a kind Tempest Yield Convention, which offers decentralized monetary resources that reward holders with the accumulation of fixed, tenable interest. Buy Hold-Procure $STY for APY remains the highest in Crypto, intensified like clockwork. Watch your portfolio go faster than lighting right in your wallet.

What administration does StormYield Back provide?

StormYield Money (STY) offers a decentralized monetary resource that rewards holders with economical fixed accumulated income payments using the amazing Pen convention.

StormYield Finance is an excellent staking service with unique elements designed to provide great benefits to STY holders.

  • Safe betting service: 5% of all trading fees are deposited in the STY Insurance Fund which helps maintain betting rewards by maintaining price stability.
  • Highest and easiest Staking: Staking with StormYield Finance just got easier than any other. Investors only need to hold on to get the STY with the highest APY of 669.212%.
  • Lightning speed rebase rate and payouts: STY holders will receive a reward every 05 minutes (288 times/day), making STY the fastest automated consolidated financial platform in the crypto world.
  • Automatic burning: One of the most unique features is the lightning rod - a progressive burning mechanism. The STY Lighting Rod protects the STY protocol by reducing circulating supply and maintaining higher STY prices over time. 

Hold for Procurement $STY for APY remains the most important in Crypto, accumulating interest periodically.

StormYield Money's amazing components

StormYield Money is an excellent token administration with unique components meant to provide huge profits for $STY holders.

Secure tagging administration: 5% of all exchange fees are held in the STY Protected Asset which supports tagging awards by keeping fee dependability.

Highest and least demanding marking: Marking with StormYield Money is simpler than anything else. Financial backers just have to HOLD TO Earn $STY with the highest APY at 669.212%.

Lightning speed rebase rate and installments: $STY holders will earn clockwork rewards (many times/day), making Pen the fastest auto-accumulating finance stage in the crypto world.

Automatic consumption: Quite possibly the most unique element is THE LIGHTNING Pole - a gradual consumption system. The Pen Lighting Pole maintains Pen convention by reducing supply flows and maintaining higher STY costs over time.

Auto Merge

$STY is the local badge of the STY Convention. With the most profitable Crypto Auto-Tagging and Auto-Generating conventions and APY remaining the best in the business at 669,212.62%, all BSC wallets holding $STY tokens get periodic auto-accumulating interest rewards.

STY SIF Protection Assets

serves as a Protection store that reliably pays a 0.00838% rate of return to all $STY holders on a regular basis to ensure cost management, avoid flashcraches and promote long term development of the STY Convention.

STY Depository

In the event of a significant drop in fees, the Depository will send the asset to Asset Protection, keeping costs stable and manageable for as long as possible. The Depository also funds advertising, ventures, and future enhancements of the STY Convention.

Lighting Bar

1.5% of all $STY redeemed is forfeited at the Lighting Pole. Just like how real lightning rods ward off lightning hazards, the Pen Lighting Bar protects Pen conventions by reducing circular supply, thereby combating positive rebase interest and keeping conventions economical.

STY Automatic Liquidity Motor •

Programmed Liquidity Infusion like clockwork

• Empower total APY management until the most extreme inventory is reached

• The Group cannot interfere with or prevent the addition of Liquidity

What are DAOs?

A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) is an organization designed to be automated and decentralized. They act as a form of venture capital fund, based on open source code and without a centralized management structure.
All organizational transactions are recorded and maintained on the blockchain. The interests of DAO members — if properly respected — are heard and acted upon. Therefore, DAOs are transparent and, in theory, incorruptible. All organizational transactions are recorded and maintained on the blockchain.

StormYield Finance's unique elements

StormYield Finance is an excellent staking service with unique elements designed to provide great benefits to $STY holders.

Safe betting service:   5% of all trading fees are deposited in the STY Insurance Fund which helps maintain betting rewards by maintaining price stability.

Highest and easiest staking:   Staking with StormYield Finance just got easier than others. Investors only need to STAY TO EARN $STY with the highest APY at 669.212%.

Lightning speed rebase rate and payouts:   $STY holders will receive a reward every 05 minutes (288 times/day), making STY the fastest automated pooled finance platform in the crypto world.

Automatic burning:   One of the most unique features is THE LIGHTNING ROD — a progressive burning mechanism. The STY Lighting Rod protects the STY protocol by reducing circulating supply and maintaining higher STY prices over time.

Auto Compound

The STY Auto-Compound feature uses a simple Hold to Earn mechanism where you can receive rebase rewards as interest payments directly to your wallet by simply holding $STY tokens.

STY allows $STY tokens to be paid out proportionally in exchange for rebase epochs. With Crypto's Highest Payout Auto-Staking & Auto-Compounding protocol and APY remains the industry's largest at 669,212.62%, all BSC wallets holding $STY tokens receive an automatic compound interest reward of 0.00838% every 5 minutes.

There are 105,120 EPOCHs in 1 year.

EPOCH 1–105,120: 0.00838% per EPOCH (First 12 Months)
EPOCH 105,120-157,680: 0.00066% every EPOCH (next 6 months)
EPOCH 157,680: 0.00006% every EPOCH (Forever until maximum supply is reached)

Road Map & Year 2022

Website Development

Official White Paper Documentation

Smrt . Contract Deployment

dApp V1 Dashboard Test Net

Solid Evidence Audit

RugDog KYC

Mainnet Dashboard dApp V1

Discord, Twitter, Telegram Building Community

PR Marketing

Bounty Campaign

Pre-Launch Marketing

Fair Launch at PinkSale

20-year Locked Liquidity BY PINKLOCK

Twitter — Youtube Marketing Campaign

Register CoinMarketCap

Certificate Application

Daftar CoinGecko

List of DappRadar

Audit Certificate

Airdrop Campaign

5,000 Token Holders

10,000 Token Holders

15,000 Token Holders

STY DAO (in May)

20,000 Token Holders

50,000 Token Holders

Upgrade Dashboard dApp V2


Cross Chain Integration

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