
first deflation exchange.

What is Deflex exchange?
Crypto Exchange has developed instruments to take advantage of the ownership of crypto resources, but they are far from difficult. Exchanges, as integrated retail locations, do not fit the possibility of a decentralized monetary framework - they are the only goal of disappointment, but this is not the main problem.
Another type of exchange copy and the adoption of new developments from the first type of exchange. This is certainly a great way to increase exchanges, but we prefer to be one of the first types of exchanges because we believe this is how exchanges should act in the first place. Therefore, the progress and success of the bourse in the future depends on the development of the bourse and the industry itself.
Like the novice market, there is no liquidity in the crypto market, so it is difficult for them to come out with the right costs. Reuse development has been supported by high liquidity, but expansion on the exchange has not had the desired effect in the end. In the Bitcoin market, for example, this liquidation is intensified by the way many BTC holders consider increasing value and are reluctant to return the available Bitcoin.
Those who have crypto and believe that their income will reach a certain level of profit in this way flood the market, representing the instability and high-value changes we see in the crypto market.
So, with your help, we need to arrange a primary deflation exchange called Deflex; Exchange of deflation. With major deflation exchanges, we will not only have the option to support digital currencies, but also networks and customers, who will only see more interesting points for destruction created by deception, but will also talk progressively about it and with this way, revealing a much better form of crypto money.
This is an undeniable problem that compromises the decentralization and confidentiality of digital forms of money. This form of digital money is created to stop and change the current tax situation. KYC procedures are required by specialists and exchanges must regularly request this from their clients because of universal law. From one perspective, exchanges can meet certain administrative needs and join different associations, and clients can also feel much safer because KYC extends account security. On the other hand, this expands the impact of experts on exchanges and fewer clients go to exchanges that require KYC.
Ambiguity and Deflex's basis for decentralization not only guarantee the security of benefits and other information, but are also immune to a single specialist. Deflex will not require the slightest KYC from its clients and will also protect the opportunity and confidentiality of crypto money in return.
Deflex Coins provides alternative holders of non-profit alternatives at that stage. By using Deflex Coin when exchanging, you allow customers to order half the cost. Another option is Peg Deflex Coin onstage and get part of the expenses for yourself. There will also be month-to-month consumption, which will reduce the inventory of Deflex coins, thereby reducing the size of DEF available for use.
Additional swap devices will be included after a while and we will ask if you need more swap devices and which. This democratic will occur in our exchange in the survey segment. Deflex will also increase the ERC20 Token Exchange and TRC20 Token Exchange.
We will give you our token, which is called Deflex. Up to 91,000,000 of the most severe DEF will be produced, never expanded. DEF will run locally on the Ethereum blockchain with ERC-20. DEF is also a form of deflation crypto money, because DEF supply does not increase and we focus on consumption days, which also include DEF consumption.

● Poor technical architecture
Without the right infrastructure, Exchange will not exist for a long time. Today, many exchanges use cloud services or third parties that can offer them the computing power they need and can provide them immediately. However, this creates a problem because dependence on these service providers and third parties is increasing. This raises the problem that in the event of a third-party server failure, Exchange itself also fails. This can also increase the risk of a hacker attack, because the infrastructure is not available.
Deflex exchange
● Exchange of deflation
Every month at Deflex there is a burning day where the collected cryptocurrency is burned out of the fees collected during the one month period. This happens with every cryptocurrency collected and anyone can check the burned address where currencies are collected on the blockchain.
● Exchange Decentralization
Due to the different server locations and the increasing number of locations, Exchange will cross country and hence is also available throughout the world.
● Transparency
With Deflex Status Platform (DS-Platform) you can see all internal company balance and wallet activities. The DS platform will also display the latest news, statistics, such as server status and exchange performance, and more.
the features
● Low trade costs
Deflex's allows you to trade with a maximum trading fee of 0.1%. Additional 50% discount if you use Coins.
● Financial stability
Deflex is based on a sophisticated multi-layer and multi-cluster architecture, which not only provides greater security for users, but also maintains platform stability.
● There is no KYC
Because of decentralization, KYC is not required to use the platform
● Lower costs
For withdrawal transactions, we charge a maximum fixed fee, where we credit the remaining amount back to the account.
● Suitable machines
Our machine is able to maintain 900,000 orders per second. This value will be at the beginning. Over time we will improve our machines.
● Customer Support
Deflex will provide a 24/7 support team so users always have a link if there is a problem.
DEF value
● Costs
You can use DEF to pay for any fees on our platform, including but not limited to:
1. Exchange fees
2. Withdrawal fees
3. Registration fee
4. Other costs
When you use DEF to pay fees, you will receive a fixed discount of 25%.
● Strike
The DEF token allows the holder to claim part of the costs generated by the exchange and payment service. With that, Token holders who bet DEF Tokens benefit directly from the success of the exchange service.
ICO will be conducted in ETH. Unsold tokens will be burned after ICO.
● ICO schedule
All times below are Universal Time Coordinated (UTC).
Our tokens
● 50% trade discount
● Deflation
● Passive Income
Coin Deflex gives holders various options to benefit from the platform. By using Deflex Coin when trading, this allows users to save 50% of the cost. Another option is to bet Defleks Coins on the platform and get some of the costs for yourself. Monthly burns will also occur, which will reduce the supply of Deflex Coins and thus reduce the amount of DEF in circulation.
Token Sale
● Token Symbol: DEF
● Total Token Supply: 91,000,000 DEF
● Total Token Supply Sold: 54,600,000 DEF
● Token Exchange Rate Offered: 1 ETH = 1595 DEF
● Public Crowdsale Date: Starting: 20. March 2020 End: 10. April 2020
● Hard Cap: equivalent to 4,500,000 USD in ETH
● Soft Cap: equivalent to 1,700 USD in ETH
● minimum contribution: 0.1 ETH
● 60% - Initial Coin Offer (ICO)
● 35% - Company Funds
● 5% - Founding Team
Use of Funds
● 65% of the funds will be used to build Deflexchange and
infrastructure, which includes team recruitment, training, law
support, administrative costs and development budget.
● 25% will be used for Deflex branding and marketing, including
promotion and continuing education from Deflex and Blockchain
innovation in industrial media. Adequate budget for various things
advertising activities, to help Deflex become popular among people
investors, and to attract active users to the platform
● 10% will be saved as a backup in case of emergency or
unexpected situations that might arise.
August 2019
● Concept Development & Development
● International teams start working on the platform.
December 2019
● Whitepaper release
● Website release
January 2020
● MVP release, ICO planning & preparation begins
● Our MVP will be available on our website
March 2020
● Launch of the Initial Coin Offer
May 2020
● Launch of Deflex Beta
● Beta testing will be open to the public.
● Open deposits and withdrawals. Trade begins.
Q2 2020
● Launch of Deflex 1.0
● Server Network Expansion
1. Ron Bennett, CEO of Deflexchange
2. Daniel Stein, CMM Di Deflexchange
For more detailed information, please visit the link below:
● Telegram:
● Dispute:
Username  anoliyan 


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